With great joy we share with you the progress of Mida school.
In recent months we have decided to keep the canteen service open even during the school break months to guarantee all children, both enrolled and not in school, a daily meal. During these school breaks, in fact, children do not always feed themselves, the poorest families often fail to feed their children. This decision was highly appreciated by the people and as a consequence in January we saw an increase in school enrollments reaching a number of 205 students !
In addition, the school books purchased with the fundraising of August 2018 held in Conturbia have arrived! Even this small change has improved the teaching activity of pupils and teachers.
Finally in January, our volunteer Bruno began offering free lessons of music and Italian to the pupils of the school; we must remember that Bruno was a teacher in Italy and today he dedicates his life to the children of Mida, whom he considers his family.
Many thanks to all supporters, we will keep you updated!